пятница, 16 января 2015 г.

Time for yourself, good sleep and proteins for dinner

What we need to do the first thing today is to promise yourself to find time for yourself EVERY DAY! I know, it's hard. But you gotta spend at least 16 minutes a day doing something just for you: walk, take a hot aroma bath, chat with a friend, read - anything that makes you happy! That's a must!
Tonight, you go to bed 40 minutes earlier. You'll be glad you did tomorrow! Try to do it more often. It is better to get up 20 minutes earlier and finish whatever you need to. 
Protein is the key to success! Increasing protein, especially if you're not getting enough, can help with feelings of fullness and weight loss. It works!!!! If you're consistently low on protein, find some ways to add more protein-rich foods like low-fat cheese, nuts and grilled seafood. Your dinner is supposed to be only proteins and fats, no carbohydrates.

Do you feel any changes in your mood, in your body?

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